Traffic Ticket? Paying a Fine Can Cost You In The Long Run!
Traffic Ticket? Paying a Fine Can Cost You In The Long Run!
Work with an Experienced Attorney – Call The S.E. Farris Law Firm today!
We all make mistakes, and a momentary lack of attention can have permanent consequences. If you got a ticket but weren’t involved in a crash, we may be able to help.
Trust us, it’ll be worth it.
Keep Your Insurance Premiums from Going Up
Benefits of Working With an Attorney
No Court Appearance
Fewer or No Points on Your License

Dangerous driving is no joke, and my firm is dedicated to protecting injury victims who get hurt in those situations. I have held unsafe drivers responsible for their actions even when there was no traffic ticket!
For some local governments, traffic tickets are more about boosting revenue than keeping roads safe. If you have received a ticket for a minor infraction, pleading guilty and paying a fine will result in higher insurance rates in the future. Some tickets are misdemeanor offenses that stay on your criminal record for years. For some, higher insurance rates force them to choose between driving illegally without insurance or being unable to afford necessities.
There is another way. Hiring an attorney to represent you on a traffic ticket will cost more than paying the fine, but saves you money over time. Hiring an attorney to represent you will also save time and keep points off of your driving record in the long run. Trust us, it’ll be worth it.