In these trying times, rest assured that we are still fighting for you. You take care of your health and family, we will continue to protect your legal rights. That hasn’t changed. To continue to provide the same quality, one-on-one service that our clients expect, I am now offering video chat if you want a face to face conversation.
Now, you can send us an email and set a time to video chat with me.
Our video chat service providers at this time are Skype and Zoom and we will send you easy to follow instructions and a link to connect with me directly.
Our phones will continue to be monitored 24/7 and we are available by email, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. My goal is always to return calls within 48 hours but that can be difficult these days. If I miss you in that time window, I apologize in advance and ask you to please reach out to us again. The S.E. Farris Law Firm team is working remotely so we can care for our families, but we are still working for you! If your concern needs urgent attention, let me know that in your initial contact.
(314) 252-9937 |
Take care of yourself and your family, you are important to us!
Spencer E. Farris
Board Certified Civil Trial Advocate
523 North Laclede Station Rd
Suite 116
Saint Louis, Missouri 63119
314 A.L.A.W.Y.E.R 314.252.9937
Devoted to Victims and Their Families.