4 Things Jurors Never Hear
Folks on jury duty learn alot- trials take longer than the hour they do on TV, they are often slow and boring, and forensic science doesn't give all the answers [...]
Folks on jury duty learn alot- trials take longer than the hour they do on TV, they are often slow and boring, and forensic science doesn't give all the answers [...]
Head-on crash causes, injuries and efforts to reduce the number of frontal impact collisions A frontal collision, or head-on crash, occurs when a car's front end is hit by or [...]
Texting and rear-end crashes It's every motorist's nightmare: getting caught in standstill traffic on the highway and glancing into the rear view mirror to see a tractor-trailer bearing down your [...]
Blowouts, Defective Rims and Tread Separations Can All Lead to Car Accidents For most drivers, flat tires are annoying. But a tire blowout or tread separation that occurs while driving [...]
Rear-end collisions are one of most frequent types of car accidents When Kristen Stewart – the actress who plays Bella in the Twilight movies – was involved in a rear-end [...]
Cell Phones Distract Missouri Drivers, Create Safety and Liability Hazards One year ago, Missouri passed an anti-texting law that prohibits drivers 21 and younger from text messaging while behind the wheel. [...]
Inattention, texting and driving under the influence can all lead to fatal pedestrian-car crashes A pedestrian is no match for a car. When a person is struck by a vehicle, [...]
We are number 45! According to a blog in the Daily Beast listing the 75 worst congested areas in the country, Highway 270 ranks 45th among time wasters. Traffic [...]
It's too late once you've been in a wreck to think about insurance coverage.You buy automobile insurance and hope you never have to use it but, there are kinds of [...]
Missouri Trucking Accident Statistics and Federal Truck Safety Programs Although the number of fatal Missouri truck accidents has dropped significantly since 2005, motorists still face risks, especially during the holiday [...]