30 Years of Verdicts and Settlements

The S.E. Farris Law Firm, is proud of our success in representing clients in a variety of personal injury matters and cases. From car accidents and bad faith to workers’ compensation cases and wrongful death, we’ve been successful at making sure that our clients are fairly compensated for the injuries and losses they have experienced as a result of someone else’s negligence.

While we are not able to share all of our success here, as some settlements are confidential, here are a couple of cases that represent the variety of personal injury cases that our team has handled. Our firm takes on cases of all sizes–big or small-, so call us for a free consultation about your particular case.

Past success does not guarantee future outcomes. Call or email us now to learn more or see how we might be able to help you or a loved one seek compensation for a wrong that was committed.

The below list does is not intended to imply a promise or guarantee for a similar result in a similar case. Each case is handled and resolved on its own individual and unique merit, and your outcome cannot be predicted using previous results.

car with hood dented

$500,000 Judgment: Bad Faith – Car Crash

How many times have you gotten into a car with a friend, neighbor, or co-worker? Before accepting a ride do you ask to see their insurance policy? Do you check to see if they are covered or that their coverage limits would actually cover your injuries in the event that the unexpected occurred? The answer of course is “no,” but the case for a client we represented illustrates what can happen when you ride with someone who is underinsured.