I often complain that my clients and future clients are denied access to the courts and justice. Insurance companies, Chambers of Commerce and others work tirelessly to eliminate access to justice by putting up barriers to the court house, attacking judges and the jury system, and misinforming the population about what REALLY happens to injury victims.

It would be ungrateful to forget those who sacrificed to make our court system, and all of our constitutional rights real. I mean the men and women of the US Armed forces, and their families. For decades, these soldiers have given their time, their health and often their lives to protect the freedoms and “rights” we enjoy. Whatever you may think of the current war, no one can debate the fact that great Americans put their lives on the line every day to honor their commitments and serve their nation.

I wish our government was honoring its commitments to these warriors and their families, but sadly, we are falling short. Soldiers are left without medical care when they return home. Mental health is being neglected or ignored, resulting in record numbers of suicides by soldiers. In the greatest country on earth, our treatment of our soldiers is nothing less than shameful.

Organizations like Veterans for America, are stepping up to fill the void, helping soldiers get the benefits they deserve and the help they need. Still, soldiers are fulfilling their promises, and their country should do the same!

This Veteran’s Day, remember that freedom isn’t free. That others sacrifice greatly to make our America possible. We owe many thanks to our current soldiers and veterans.