Judging Judges and other Dangerous Games.
I am generally risk averse. I don’t ride carnival rides (mobile workers without known addresses operating old equipment that folds up on purpose?) and I don’t participate in adrenaline sports. [...]
I am generally risk averse. I don’t ride carnival rides (mobile workers without known addresses operating old equipment that folds up on purpose?) and I don’t participate in adrenaline sports. [...]
Gentle Reader, I made a mistake in my last offering here. I received a kind email pointing it out, and I was grateful to the Reader. Court opens with the [...]
Trial lawyers learn early on that as communicators, the way we say something can be more important than what we say. I lay awake at night hoping opposing counsel will [...]
Move over Truth, Civility needs that Hospital Bed. Early in my career, I had a heated discussion at a motion hearing with a much older lawyer. He was about the [...]
I generally avoid politics in this space. Not because I don’t have opinions, but because there are political analysts who have better formed ones. And the Editors told me to [...]
I finally got/had to work from home during the recent snow storm. I’ve gone to my office throughout the pandemic but a foot of snow is more difficult to get [...]
2020 Too came in with a loud gurgling rumble. While I was proud to stay up until 10:30, my poor wife was awakened by my snoring in the wee hours [...]
It is the holiday season. I know this because of the lovely cards I am getting. I haven’t sent a holiday card since the early 1990s. It isn’t for lack [...]
Two holidays fell in the last couple of weeks, Love your Lawyer day and Veteran’s day. My office didn’t get mail on either of them. The second was by mandate [...]
It is the best part of year. Yes, autumn. Yes, football season. And yes, deer season- the Redneck High Holy days. This means my almost annual column about deer hunting. [...]